Anubias Nana Snow White Tissue Culture

Anubias Nana Snow White Tissue Culture
Anubias Nana Snow White Tissue Culture
Anubias Nana Snow White Tissue Culture

Regular price $45.00 Sale

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Anubias Nana Snow White Tissue culture is a rare aquatic plant variant of the Anubias species. Anubias Nana Snow White was selectively farmed over the course of 4 years and after millions of specimens, the white coloration was discovered. It was then propagated as tissue culture to provide a plant that is free of algae and pests. Anubias Nana Snow White tissue culture contrasts beautifully in an aquascaped aquarium due to it's unique coloration. Like other anubias, Anubias Nana Snow White absorbs nutrients through its rhizomes and must not be buried in aquarium substrate or gravel. Anubias Nana Snow White requires medium to low light and is considered a slow grower.